
Traffic data is not collected by the Census Bureau. Other resources are discussed below.

Kentucky State Police

The Kentucky State Police (KSP), through its Computer Technologies Section, Records Branch, and Uniform Crime Reporting staff, make available a number of different annual reports dealing with traffic information within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The Traffic Collisions in Kentucky Annual Reports are available from KSP here.

The Kentucky Collision Analysis for the Public is a query-based repository containing information gathered from collision reports submitted by Kentucky law enforcement agencies. Users can specify collision characteristics and view the results in a map or download the data.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) provides data on average annual daily traffic (AADT). Access KYTC Traffic Count data here.

The KYTC also provides GIS extracts through its Highway Information System. Data available includes highway systems, roadway information, roadway features and traffic counts. The use of a GIS application such as ESRI’s ArcMap or QGIS is required. Access KYTC GIS Extracts here.

Fatality Analysis Reporting System

The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is a nationwide census of fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes. This annual database is available for the nation, states, and counties. Collision data includes characteristics of occupants and non-occupants, the vehicles involved, and details regarding when and where the crash occurred.

Go to the FARS Web-Based Encyclopedia.